Sunday, 29 April 2007 must be Sunday

Well, the good shepherd knows his sheep and they know him, so went today's gospel reading. By a series of weaves and turns, this led us to the the fact that everything is connected in the world and that as the body of Christ, we are one. We cannot hurt one person without it hurting the whole mystical body of Christ. this led to the old illustration of the butterfly flapping it's wings in China causing a tidal wave in LA. I thought this was, perhaps a bit of an unfortunate choice. Only earlier dear old Fr Simon had gently rebuked those of us who 'don't do clapping' during the clapping Gloria. We are very English, he says. He always accuses us of 'being English' at times like that. Well, forgive me, but I will hang on to my English reserve. After all, if a mere butterfly can cause a tidal wave on the other side of the planet, the good Lord alone knows the what the cumulative effect of all those flapping love handles and bingo wings might be! I shall continue to keep my wobbly flesh under control, methinks!
I hope you've all got Spiderman 3 logged into your diary. What do you mean, you're far too busy reading the entire canon of Martin Amis novels?

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