Friday, 4 January 2008

Remember the lonely...

Worth more than all of the material things that we may receive at Christmas, the best gifts must be time to spend with loved ones. But, of course, this is not true for everyone. I have just received this e-mail which reminded me of the way in which I sometimes take for granted the warmth of relationships with family and friends:

Dear All,

I am writing to Christian relations, friends, and contacts to draw attention to a news story that appeared in the press this morning. Below is a link to the article published in The Daily Mail:

May I ask you to pray that Olive will be welcomed into Heaven by her creator who has valued and loved her as nobody on earth appears to have done for many years. Perhaps you might also ask your parish priest/ church minister to make a brief mention of Olive, the sad end to her life, and the plight of others like her when addressing his congregation.

In Christ,


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