Sunday, 2 September 2007

A Big Holy Family Welcome to Fr Pat O'Brien

Welcome to Fr Pat O'Brien who said his first two masses today at Holy Family. We hope that you enjoy your time with us. Rev Jeff did the honours preaching today (which he did admirably, as always!) but this means that we have to wait another week to have the pleasure of Fr Pat opening up scripture for us. So that is one treat we still have in store. Someone's ears perked up at the mention of Fr Pat's former career in retail. This person, who shall remain nameless but is a cleric of this parish, seemed rather excited about the possibility of some retrospective staff discount at TJ Hughes in Birkenhead...

1 comment:

Saad Amir said...

The men do any activity with the ability his mind and used many possibilities to solve the problems.
regards, saad from
University of Rajshahi