Sunday, 30 September 2007

Jicamarca enters the blogosphere

I have just received word from Sister Jacinta that the project is now able to communicate with the world via its new blog. Already there is a terrific collection of photos which give you a flavour of the wonderful work which is being done there. Either click on the picture or on the link below to visit the site. Why not subscribe to the feed to find out when new content is posted?

Friday, 7 September 2007

Early Autumn Windfall

After the enjoyment, fun and success of the Create Exhibition this summer, a spot of good news! Wirral Borough Council has awarded the Create Group £500 for the purchase of arts and crafts materials. The purchase of a good variety of 'kit' for the group should make us more attractive to new members who might want to develop existing skills and perhaps have a go at something new! So, come on you painters, card makers, sculptors etc etc etc, come and join us at the Scout Hut off Marksway Pensby for two hours of creativity ( 10am -12pm) Mondays. We value the social aspect of the group, so be assured of a warm welcome.

The history of the Church shows that art and the faith go hand in hand, we may not be Leonardo da Vincis but our group is an expression of our faith in fellowship and creativity, welcoming all faiths or none.

I'll pop back into my cave now and dream up my next 'masterpiece'


Thursday, 6 September 2007

Luciano Pavarotti

Luciano Pavarotti 12 October 1935 - 6 September 2007

Rest in Peace.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

A Big Holy Family Welcome to Fr Pat O'Brien

Welcome to Fr Pat O'Brien who said his first two masses today at Holy Family. We hope that you enjoy your time with us. Rev Jeff did the honours preaching today (which he did admirably, as always!) but this means that we have to wait another week to have the pleasure of Fr Pat opening up scripture for us. So that is one treat we still have in store. Someone's ears perked up at the mention of Fr Pat's former career in retail. This person, who shall remain nameless but is a cleric of this parish, seemed rather excited about the possibility of some retrospective staff discount at TJ Hughes in Birkenhead...

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Thank you, Fr Simon...

Fr Simon has finally taken his leave of us to take up his new post at St Michael and All Angels after a brief sojourn of just under 4 years, following what has become a trend for this parish (a fellow-parishioner tells me that our record is 6 years). His time with us has been one of tremendous growth for the parish. Of course, he has his detractors but you can't please all of the people all of the time and he has certainly pleased the majority of us. If there is one thing that mildly irritated me about him, it is the way he always apologised for the length of his homilies. If the Holy Spirit blesses you with words to say, say them, no matter how long it takes you. The Sunday mass is possibly the only chance that many of us get to unpack scripture and I often feel desperately short-changed when I have cause to attend mass at other parishes - many priests seem to find a 3 minute sermon an overexertion! So, Fr Simon, preach the gospel always and particularly on Sunday, use words, as many as it takes to make the point.

I have heard many parishioners speak of the sincere care and support that he has offered them during times of bereavement; his great sensitivity is a gift which will prove an advantage to him in his hospital chaplaincy role. He has attracted many young families to church, bucking the national trend. His theological knowledge is admirable and as good as any I have experienced. I believe that he believes what he preaches - this should be taken as read but it isn't always the case. Above all he is fun-loving and real. When he was inducted as parish priest here four years ago, I was chatting to some of his former parishioners from St Aidan's and I asked what he was like. The response came, "He's just like one of the kids - he's always playing football..." Four years on we can all probably agree with that.

Fr Simon, thank you for revitalising our community by your encouraging spirit. We will miss you greatly but we wish you every blessing in your new parish and may you continue to respond with vigour to God's call on your life. May your new parishioners take you to their hearts and may you enthuse them to take responsibility for and ownership of the running of their parish in ways that they have never done before.