Thursday, 23 August 2007
Off to Greenbelt
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People's Blog
Labels: Greenbelt, Jonny Baker
Sunday, 19 August 2007
CANCERactive talk
We've received the following information from parishioner Susan Davidson which may be of interest to you or to someone you know:
Chris Woollams co founder of the charity CANCERactive( is coming to the auditorium at Ness Gardens on Tuesday 16th October to present the latest research on the role of probiotics in cancer prevention, as well looking at the many therapies and treatments that are available that can help prevent and/or recover from cancer. This promises to be an inspired talk and not to be missed. Tickets are £5 in advance, £7 on the night and are available from 0151 648 8998. Ness are opening their licensed restaurant from 6pm to enable ticketholders to purchase a meal or drink prior to the event. There will be a raffle and an opportunity to purchase Chris' international best seller "Everything You Need To Know To Help You Beat Cancer". All funds to CANCERactive.
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People's Blog
Labels: CANCERactive, Ness Gardens, talk
Friday, 17 August 2007
Church Chuckles
Now I know that this is a time of great instability for all of us, what with the Diocese reorganising us into the new Pastoral Areas and the impending departure of luvly-jubbly-choochy-face Fr Simon to our neighbourinos over in Woodchurch. But remember, be loyal to your parish community, 'cos your parish community loves you. Forget any artificial re-drawing of the boundary lines, all you have to remember is that if we stand firm as a parish, all the other stuff will follow. Rather like a pebble dropped into a pond, the benefits of our unity will be felt way beyond our own church.
Anyway, serious message over let's have a larf!
There is, as they say, many a true word...
Thanks to the wit and wisdom of Dave Walker over at the
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People's Blog
Labels:, Church, Dave Walker, parish
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Just in case you didn't catch it on sinnergize...
Here's a little vid to warm the cockles of your heart... Bet you didn't know that Ricky Gervais had such depth...
Courtesy of
Monday, 13 August 2007
Praying in tongues...
Well, following the long-awaited 'Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum' (the Pope's rubber stamp for priest's to say the old Latin mass without having to seek permission from the local bishop) there has been a glut of information flying around cyberspace. A new site, Sancta Missa, has just come to my attention which gives you everything you need to know about the 1962 Missale Romanum. It is, in fact, a tutorial site to give everyone confidence, be they clergy or the faithful, in participating in the Tridentine rite. Just the thing for 40-somethings like myself who have no knowledge of such matters. I can't wait to get my teeth stuck into it. Anybody know where I can pick up a nice mantilla? In the words of the late Hughie Green "Friends, I mean that most sincerely..."
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People's Blog
Labels: latin mass, Motu proprio, tridentine
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Over for another year...
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People's Blog